
Learning at its finest

My mission is to provide the best teaching practices in Mathematics while having fun.

What is Mathematize?

The synergistic construction of a mathematics methodology that integrates cutting edge research, teacher-vetted strategies, and student-centered learning. This revolutionary approach to math instruction delivers professional learning to K-12 teachers founded on principles of Standards for Mathematical Practice (Common Core), growth mindset, mathematics process standards (NCTM), Effective Mathematics Teaching Processes, and Cognitively Guided Instruction. The innovative techniques in this groundbreaking practice produce elevated levels of student engagement, deep student discourse, and complex mathematical reasoning. Inquire today, and change the landscape of mathematics learning at your school!

Cutting Edge Methods

Teaching professionals will learn the very best of current best practices in mathematics instruction. This includes strategies to promote growth mindset (Carol Dweck) through student metacognition. This approach also includes the principles of Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler around visual mathematics and the importance of cognitive purpose. Professional learners will also learn to design engaging, relevant, and rigorous math tasks like Dan Meyer’s 3-Act lessons, and web-based tasks offered by Mathalicious and Brain Pop. This includes integrating, modifying and supplementing tasks in popular curricular programs such as Connected Math Project, Bridges in Mathematics (formerly Engage), and Math Expressions (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Let’s not forget strategies for student discourse and mathematical debate!


